Faculty in the College of Engineering answer questions from the community during an open house held on Nov. 9, 2021 at the site of Cornell University Borehole Observatory.
Earth Source Heat (ESH) has been part of Cornell’s Climate Action Plan since 2009. During a detailed review of Cornell’s energy portfolio and options that fit within the academic mission, ESH was identified by a working group of faculty and staff as the best option to reach carbon neutrality on the Ithaca campus by 2035. Since that time, the working group has conducted extensive outreach to on- and off-campus partners, including several community forums in downtown Ithaca. That outreach continues today and will be a standing part of the project for its duration.
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- How fracking could unlock a clean energy future (The Washington Post: July 18, 2024)
- A big boost for a climate solution: electricity made from the heat of the Earth (AP News: June 25, 2024)
- Breakthrough in geothermal energy at Utah FORGE (June 3, 2024)
- Slide rules, sundials and comedy: Bill Nye hails scientific solutions (Cornell Chronicle: April 29, 2024)
- Enhanced geothermal systems: 10 breakthrough technologies 2024 (MIT Technology Review: Jan. 8, 2024)
- Tools born from fracking fuel geothermal rush (The New York Times: Aug. 28, 2023)
- Drilling ends and data analysis begins for borehole observatory (Cornell Chronicle: Oct. 13, 2022)